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Investment in yourself is the best investment! Internship&Training program

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Radi ono što voliš - Au Pair program

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American Adventure je agencija sa dugogodišnjom tradicijom koja se bavi brojnim programima kulturološke razmene od kojih je najpoznatiji Work and Travel USA program. Pored Work and Travel programa agencija ima dugogodišnje iskustvo sa Internship i Training programima u USA, Au Pair USA, High School USA.
Uvek gledamo da izađemo u susret našim kandidatima i svake godine obezbeđujemo različite povoljnosti u plaćanju, kao i raznorazne popuste na prijavu i sam program.
Lično iskustvo zaposlenih koji su i sami bili učesnici programa čine garanciju u pogledu kvaliteta usluge i sigurnosti. Fleksibilna prema zahtevima naših kandidata, American Adventure predstavlja pravi izbor za ljude koji ne žele da rizikuju.
SA NAMA POČINJE AVANTURA je naš slogan ali iste stvaramo zajedno i ponavljamo!

Zadovoljnih korisnika
Grada u USA

Lake City

Lake City is the only town in Hinsdale County, Located at the crossroads of two major scenic byways: Silver Thread Scenic Byway (Hwy 149, 2 wheel drive) and Alpine Loop Backcountry Byway (CR 30/20, 2 wheel & 4WD). Jagged peaks...

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Wildwood is a city in Cape May County, New Jersey, United States. Wildwood is a popular summer resort destination. The city, and the surrounding communities that share the name, derives its name from the wild flowers found in the...

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Ellenville is a village in Ulster County, New York, United States. The population was 4,135, The village of Ellenville is within the town of Wawarsing, approximately ninety miles northwest of New York City and ninety miles southwest of Albany. The...

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Yarmouth, ME

Yarmouth is a town in Cumberland County, Maine, located twelve miles north of the state's largest city, Portland. Yarmouth is part of the Portland–South Portland-Biddeford Metropolitan Statistical Area. The town's proximity to the Atlantic Ocean and its location on the...

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Asbury Park, NJ

The Jersey Shore is home to a wide range of communities catering to the interests of a wide range of visitors. One example of these communities is Asbury Park, which has been serving as something of a resort city...

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