The Town of Lovell is located in Oxford County, overlooking the White Mountains of New Hampshire. First settled during the American Revolution, it was incorporated in 1800 as ‘New Suncook’, later changed to ‘Lovell’ in honor of John Lovewell. It is a town consisting of ‘neighborhoods’: Lovell Village, Center Lovell, North Lovell and West Lovell. It covers an area of 47.89 square miles, of which 4.74 square miles are water, and the 2010 census listed a population of 1,140. In the summer, the population increases probably 3-fold, as the town’s seasonal residents return to enjoy the beauty of the area.
Kezar Lake is the largest body of water, and ponds within the watershed are Bradley, Cushman, Heald, Trout, Horseshoe, and Farrington. The major streams that feed Kezar Lake are Great Brook, Cold Brook, Coffin Brook and Boulder Brook. Kezar Outlet drains the lake from Lower Bay into the Saco River.
Lovell is governed by three elected Selectmen, who meet weekly, a Planning Board, which meets monthly, a Code Enforcement Officer and others. True to its early roots, the Annual Town Meeting, at which warrants are raised before the residents of Lovell for the election of officials, town business affairs, and expenditures of money, is held on the first Saturday of March.