KORAK 3 – Dokumentacija

Nakon potpisivanja Ugovora, Vaša obaveza je da dostavite neophodnu dokumentaciju u narednih 10 radnih dana. Naši saradnici će biti sa Vama tokom celog procesa, dok god bezbedno ne stignete do željene porodice. Aplikacija za porodicu biće spram Vaših želja i saveta saradnika, bićete prihvaćeni u željenu porodicu samo ukoliko obe strane pokažu odobrenje.

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STEP 3 – Documentation

After signing the Contract, your obligation is to submit the necessary documentation within the next 10 working days. Our associates will be with you throughout the process, until you reach your desired family safely. The application for the family will be according to your wishes and the advice of the associates, you will be accepted into the desired family only if both parties show approval.