Naredna faza podrazumeva podršku od strane American Adventure i AAG sponzorske agencije u toku trajanja programa. AAG sponzorska agencija će biti dostupna kandidatu za pomoć u slučaju bilo kakve potrebe ili hitne situacije. Kandidat će, naravno, moći u svakom momentu da kontaktira i svoju matičnu agenciju American Adventure putem mejla ili putem telefona. U ovom slučaju, kandidat mora biti svestan vremenske razlike i mora biti spreman da dobije odgovor od agencije možda i nakon nekoliko sati. Sponzorska agencija će kontaktirati kandidata kada stigne u Australiju kako bi bili sigurni da je kandidat bezbedno stigao i da se smestio i kako bi dobili od kandidata njegov broj telefona u Australiji i adresu gde će odsesti u toku programa. Sponzorska agencija je u kontaktu sa kandidatom i u vanrednim okolnostima ako kandidat doživi sledeće:

  • Poteškoće oko smeštaja;
  • Problemi sa poslodavcem;
  • Problemi na radnom mestu;
  • Kulturni šok.


  • Kandidat mora da se javi svojoj sponzorskoj agenciji čim stigne u Australiju i smesti se;
  • Kandidat će svakog meseca dobiti mejl od sponzora kako bi postavio informacije o svom napredovanju na poslu i generalno o toku programa;
  • Kandidat mora da popuni svoju mesečnu prijavu;
  • AAG sponzorska agencija će kvartalno proveravati napredak kandidata kod samog poslodavca;
  • Kandidat će biti pozvan na bilo koji lokalni sastanak ili društveni događaj koji bude organizovala AAG sponzorska agencija.

Kontakt informacije:

  • Za opšte informacije ili pitanja – aagtrainee@allianceabroad.com.au i slobodno stavite svoju matičnu agenciju u CC mejla kako bismo bili u toku australia@workandtravel.rs
  • Kandidati u Australiji treba da pozovu 000 za hitne slučajeve;
  • AAG broj sponzorske agencije za hitne slučajeve je 1-300-797-822 (besplatan je poziv i može se zvati samo u okviru Australije);
  • AUSsupport@com
  • Adresa: Shop 7/1 The Concourse, Benowa, Queensland 4217, Australia.


The next phase involves support from American Adventure and the AAG sponsorship agency for the duration of the program. The AAG sponsorship agency will be available to the candidate for assistance in case of any need or emergency.

The candidate will, of course, be able to contact their parent agency American Adventure at any time by email or phone. In this case, the candidate must be aware of the time difference and must be ready to receive an answer from the agency, perhaps even after a few hours. The sponsorship agency will contact the candidate when he arrives in Australia to make sure the candidate has arrived and settled safely and to get from the candidate his phone number in Australia and the address where he will stay during the program. The sponsoring agency is in contact with the candidate even in extraordinary circumstances if the candidate experiences the following:

  • Accommodation difficulties;
  • Problems with the employer;
  • Workplace problems;
  • Culture shock.


  • The candidate must contact their sponsoring agency as soon as they arrive in Australia and settle;
  • The candidate will receive an email from the sponsor each month to post information about their progress in the job and the course of the program in general;
  • The candidate must complete his / her monthly application;
  • The AAG sponsorship agency will check the candidate’s progress with the employer on a quarterly basis;
  • The candidate will be invited to any local meeting or social event organized by the AAG sponsoring agency.

Contact info:

  • For general information or questions – aagtrainee@allianceabroad.com.au and feel free to put your parent agency in CC email to keep us up to date australia@workandtravel.rs
  • Candidates in Australia should call 000 for emergencies;
  • The AAG emergency sponsorship agency number is 1-300-797-822 (call is free and can only be called within Australia);
  • AUSsupport@com
  • Address: Shop 7/1 The Concourse, Benowa, Queensland 4217, Australia.