Australija je jedna od prvih zemalja koja je u aktivnu upotrebu uvela mobilne telefone i generalno je među prvim državama u svetu po pitanju implementiranja nove tehnike i tehnologije. Kada kupujete novi telefon uvek posvetite pažnju svakom detalju, ceni, veličini, marki, memoriji, dodatnim pogodnostima i tako dalje. Isti je slučaj i sa brojem telefona, kolika je jačina signala po teritorijama, kakva je sama usluga. Provajderi mobilne telefonije su verovatno najstručnija lica koja mogu da Vam pruže informacije takvog tipa i daju pogodan savet. Takav je slučaj i u Australiji. U Australiji je izuzetno mali procenat stanovništva koji kupuje telefone koji nisu vezani za nekog mobilnog operatera.

Vodeći mobilni provajderi Australije su:

TELSTRA. Telstra je vodeći mobilni provajder Australije za pribavljanje mobilnih telefona sa mogućnošću otplate na nekoliko rata sa raznim pogodnostima. Takođe imaju široku mrežu prodavnica u kojima možete kupiti adekvatnu opremu za svoje mobilne telefone. Pored usluga mobilne telefonije pružaju usluge i kućnog Interneta i fiksne telefonije, u zavisnosti za koji paket se odlučite. Najveći procenat stanovništva koristi usluge ovog provajdera jer pruža najbolje uslove plaćanja moblinih telefona, možete biti i pripejd i postpejd korisnik, i većina teritorije Australije je pokrivena signalom.

OPTUS. Optus je drugi po veličini mobilni provajder ali je svakako daleko manji od Telstre. Obim poslovanja Optusa se svodi na 30-tak privatnih projekata i 8 poslovnih projekata koji obuhvataju određeni broj stanovništva. Najveća razlika između Telstre i Optusa jeste u veličini teritorije koju signal pokriva, a u tom slučaju je Telstra definitivno bolji provajder.

VODAFONE. Vodafone je još manji mobilni provajder od Optusa, sveden na svega 38 privatnih projekata u Australiji. Najveća mana kod ovog provajdera jeste što signalom pokriva samo velike metropole i veće gradove u okruzima.

VIRGIN MOBILE. Virgin mobile je definitivno najmanji provajder u Australiji koji je praktično deo Optusa jer koristi njegovu mrežu.

Kod svih navedenih provajdera možete sklopiti Ugovor o paketu koji Vam najviše odgovara. Najbitnije je da naglasite prilikom odabira paketa šta Vam zaista treba i naglasite da želite da znate konačnu cenu sa uključenim porezima da ne bi došlo do zabune.

Savetujemo da, kada se tek doselite u Australiju, uzmete paket koji se unapred plaća i omogućava Vam određeni broj minuta, poruka, rominga za taj novac, jer su kamate za prekoračenje na ostalim paketima u Australiji dosta velike.

Bitno je napomenuti da većina dodatne opreme koju možda imate od prethodnih mobilnih telefona ne odgovara mobilnim telefonima koje uzimate u Australiji jer imaju drugačiju tehnologiju od nas. Upravo iz tog razloga nema svrhe nositi dodatnu mobilnu opremu koju verovatno nećete moći da koristite.


Australia is one of the first countries to actively introduce mobile phones and is generally among the first countries in the world to implement new techniques and technologies. When buying a new phone, always pay attention to every detail, price, size, brand, memory, additional benefits and so on. The same is the case with the telephone number, what is the strength of the signal by territories, what is the service itself. Mobile phone providers are probably the most professional people who can provide you with this type of information and give convenient advice. This is also the case in Australia. In Australia, an extremely small percentage of the population buys phones that are not tied to a mobile operator.

Australia’s leading mobile providers are:

TELSTRA. Telstra is Australia’s leading mobile provider for sourcing mobile phones with the possibility of repayment in several installments with various benefits. They also have a wide network of stores where you can buy adequate equipment for your mobile phones. In addition to mobile telephony services, they also provide home Internet and fixed telephony services, depending on which package you choose. The largest percentage of the population uses the services of this provider because it provides the best conditions for paying for mobile phones, you can be both a prepaid and postpaid user, and most of the territory of Australia is covered by the signal.

OPTUS. Optus is the second largest mobile provider but is certainly far smaller than Telstra. The scope of Optus’ business is reduced to about 30 private projects and 8 business projects that cover a certain number of people. The biggest difference between Telstra and Optus is in the size of the territory covered by the signal, in which case Telstra is definitely a better provider.

VODAFONE. Vodafone is an even smaller mobile provider than Optus, reduced to only 38 private projects in Australia. The biggest drawback of this provider is that the signal covers only large metropolises and larger cities in the districts.

VIRGIN MOBILE. Virgin mobile is definitely the smallest provider in Australia that is practically part of Optus because it uses its network.

You can enter into the Package Agreement that suits you best with all the listed providers. The most important thing is to emphasize when choosing a package what you really need and emphasize that you want to know the final price with taxes included so that there is no confusion.

We advise that, when you first move to Australia, you take a package that is paid in advance and allows you a certain number of minutes, messages, roaming for that money, because the interest rates for overdrafts on other packages in Australia are quite high.

It is important to note that most of the accessories you may have from previous mobile phones do not match the mobile phones you take in Australia because they have a different technology from us. For that reason, there is no point in carrying additional mobile equipment that you will probably not be able to use.