Procedura na aerodromu

Kako se pakovati:

  1. Ručni prtljag: Njegov prevoz je besplatan i za njega ste sami odgovorni.

Maksimalne dimenzije prtljaga (uključujući ručke, džepove i točkove) 40x20x55cm dužina x širina x visina.

  1. Još ličnih stvari koje mogu biti uz Vas tokom leta:
  • Jedna ženska tašna ili torba za laptop ili akten tašna (mora da se uklapa ispod standardnog sedišta Ekonomske klase)
  • Kaput, šal
  • Mala količina bescarinske robe
  1. Savetovanje za pakovanje prtljaga:
  • Uklonite sve priveske od prethodnih letova sa kofera.
  • Sve dragocenosti, novac, lekove i dokumente nosite u ručnom prtljagu.
  • Zaključajte kofer ili ga obavijte jakim kaišem.
  • Ostavite Vaše kontakt podatke u koferu i postavite ih na spoljašnji deo kofera.
  • Obeležite Vaš prtljag kako biste ga odmah primetili na traci za preuzimanje.
  • Spakujte sve stvari koje ne mogu da stanu u ručni prtljag i predajte ih na aerodromu. Količina predatog prtljaga koji možete da nosite bez naplate zavisiće od Vaše klase prevoza, rute i tarife.
  • Prtljag predajete na šalteru za prijem putnika na aerodromu. On će biti obeležen priveskom, a deo priveska će Vam biti uručen kada predate prtljag.
  • Predati prtljag će biti transportovan u bagažniku aviona i čekaće Vas na aerodromu odredišta, na pokretnoj traci u prostoriji za preuzimanje prtljaga.
  • Neophodno je da se pridržavate propisanih uslova za bezbedno nošenje tečnih materija, opasnih roba i drugih predmeta u svom prtljagu.
  • Određeni artikli ne mogu da se nose u okviru prtljaga ili je njihov prevoz omogućen pod posebnim uslovima.
  1. Pravila za prevoz tečnosti u ručnom prtljagu. Nije dozvoljeno:
  • Tečnosti, gelovi, paste i aerosoli mogu se nositi samo u posudama do 100 ml.
  • Posude veće od 100 ml neće biti dozvoljene, iako su delimično pune.
  • Sve posude moraju biti spakovane u plastičnu providnu kesu sa zatvaračem sa žlebom ili zip zatvaračem.
  • Kesa u koju su upakovane posude ne sme biti veća od 20×20 cm i njena zapremina ne sme da prelazi 1 litar.
  • Plastična kesa u kojoj se nalaze posude mora biti zatvorena i nju predajete odvojeno prilikom bezbednosnog pregleda ručnog prtljaga.
  • Po putniku je dozvoljena jedna kesa.

5. Izuzeci kad možete da unesete u avion posude sa više od 100 ml tečnosti:

1)      Hrana i mleko za bebe, u količini koja je neophodna bebi u zavisnosti od dužine trajanja leta

  • Tečnosti, paste, gelovi i aerosoli, kupljeni u bescarinskim prodavnicama u bezbednosno-restriktivnoj zoni aerodroma, upakovani u providnu zapečaćenu plastičnu kesu koja ne sme biti otvarana do krajnje destinacije. U kesi (zapečaćenoj u prodavnici) mora da se nalazi fiskalni račun za kupljenu robu, isključivo sa datumom dana putovanja.
  • Lekovi u obliku tečnosti, gelova ili aerosola, isključivo uz lekarski nalaz izdat od nadležne medicinske ustanove ili ovlašćene lekarske ordinacije.
  • Medicinski preparati kao što su insulin, krvna plazma i sl, isključivo uz potvrdu od strane nadležne medicinske ustanove ili ovlašćene lekarske ordinacije.


U ručnom prtljagu su zabranjeni: alat, oštri i tupi predmeti, eksplozivi, municija i oružje, baterije , gasovi i materije koje oksidišu, toksične i zarazne supstance, korozivne supstance, radioaktivni  namagen.


How to pack:

  1. Hand luggage: Its transport is free and you are responsible for it.

Maximum dimensions of luggage (including handles, pockets and wheels) 40x20x55cm length x width x height.

  1. More personal items that can be with you during the summer:
  1. One women’s bag or laptop bag or briefcase (must fit under a standard Economy Class seat)
  2. Coat, scarf
  3. A small amount of duty free goods

      3. Luggage packaging advice:

  • Remove all pendants from previous flights from the suitcase.
  • Carry all valuables, money, medicines and documents in your hand luggage.
  • Lock the suitcase or wrap it with a strong belt.
  • Leave your contact information in the suitcase and place it on the outside of the suitcase.
  • Mark your luggage so that you can immediately notice it on the collection bar.
  • Pack all the things that can’t fit in your hand luggage and hand them in at the airport. The amount of checked baggage that you can carry free of charge will depend on your class of transport, route and fare.
  • You hand over your luggage at the counter for passengers at the airport. It will be marked with a pendant, and part of the pendant will be handed to you when you hand over your luggage.
  • Checked baggage will be transported in the trunk of the plane and will be waiting for you at the destination airport, on the conveyor belt in the baggage claim room.
  • It is necessary to adhere to the prescribed conditions for safe carrying of liquid substances, dangerous goods and other items in your luggage.
  • Certain items cannot be carried in luggage or their transport is allowed under special conditions.

       4. Rules for transporting liquids in hand luggage. Is not allowed:

  • Liquids, gels, pastes and aerosols can be carried only in containers up to 100 ml.
  • Containers larger than 100 ml will not be allowed, although they are partially full.
  • All containers must be packed in a transparent plastic bag with a zipped closure or a zipper.
  • The bag in which the containers are packed must not be larger than 20 × 20 cm and its volume must not exceed 1 liter.
  • The plastic bag containing the containers must be closed and handed over separately during the security screening of hand luggage.
  • One bag is allowed per passenger.

      5. Exceptions when you can bring containers with more than 100 ml of liquid into the plane:

1) Baby food and milk, in the amount necessary for the baby depending on the length of the flight

  • Liquids, pastes, gels and aerosols, purchased in duty-free shops in the security-restrictive zone of the airport, packed in a transparent sealed plastic bag that must not be opened to the final destination. The bag (sealed in the store) must contain a fiscal invoice for the purchased goods, exclusively with the date of the day of travel.
  • Medicines in the form of liquids, gels or aerosols, exclusively with a medical report issued by a competent medical institution or an authorized medical office.
  • Medical preparations such as insulin, blood plasma, etc., only with the confirmation of the competent medical institution or authorized medical practice.

The following are prohibited in hand luggage: tools, sharp and blunt objects, explosives, ammunition and weapons, batteries, gases and oxidizing substances, toxic and infectious substances, corrosive substances, radioactive magnesium.