Na australijskom Nacionalnom forumu turizma i transporta zvanično je objavljen povratak kulinarskih šefova na listu deficitarnih zanimanja u Australiji. Ovoj zemlji su hitno potrebni školovani kuvari kako bi pomogli da turisti steknu pozitivno iskustvo o Australiji. U sferama turizma i transporta deficitarna su brojna zanimanja, ali najurgentnija je potražnja za kuvarima. Tokom 2011. i 2012. godine, 2.160 šefova i kuvara dobilo je radne vize ali, kako se navodi, „mnogi turistički i ugostiteljski biznisi i dalje imaju problema sa pronalaženjem adekvatnog osoblja“. Turizam je veoma takmičarska industrija i Australiji su, pored dobre infrastrukture i zanimjive kulturne ponude, potrebni i iskusni ljudi koji će na svim nivoima uspeti da izađu u susret zahtevima gostiju. Nama su za Australia Training program za sada potrebni ljudi koji će otići na određeno vreme (12-18 meseci) kako bi se usavršavali u svojoj oblasti i kako bi bili u stanju da pronađu što bolji posao u struci kada se vrate u matičnu zemlju. Plata koju učesnici programa mogu da očekuju na godišnjem nivou je između $42.000 – $50.000 AUD.
The return of culinary chefs to the list of deficient occupations in Australia has been officially announced at the Australian National Tourism and Transport Forum. This country urgently needs trained chefs to help tourists gain a positive experience of Australia. In the spheres of tourism and transport, numerous occupations are in short supply, but the most urgent is the demand for chefs. During 2011 and 2012, 2,160 chefs and cooks received work visas but, as stated, „many tourism and hospitality businesses still have problems finding adequate staff.“ Tourism is a very competitive industry and Australia, in addition to good infrastructure and an interesting cultural offer, also needs experienced people who will be able to meet the requirements of guests at all levels.
For now, the Australia Training program needs people who will go for a certain period of time (12-18 months) to improve in their field and to be able to find the best job in the profession when they return to their home country. The salary that program participants can expect on an annual basis is between $ 42,000 – $ 50,000 AUD.