In the eighties of the twentieth century, the idea in America was to give young girls from different countries the opportunity to legally babysit their children in America. With the development of industry and technology, people have become very limited in their free time due to the increase in working hours, and from that came the need to employ people who will take care of their children. AU PAIR is one of the programs that gives young girls from all over the world the opportunity to get acquainted with American culture, way of life, schooling and many other things through babysitting and staying in American families.

Participants in the program must primarily be people who love children and who have experience in caring for them. You have to be prepared to stay in an American family for a year, and be a part of it. The HOST families of the AU PAIR program are chosen very carefully, so that the customization of the program participants as well as the program itself would be as pleasant as possible. The AU PAIR candidate must infiltrate the life course of the family he came to. His task will be to take care of the children in the most adequate way possible. Also, the AU PAIR agency cooperates with a large number of families in various parts of the USA where it may not be possible to use public transportation. That is why it is extremely important for a participant in the program to be an active driver, because American families mostly use their own vehicle for transportation. Also, the candidate of the AU PAIR program must be between 18-26 years old, primarily in order to maximally unite with the children he will take care of, but also to be adequately taken care of by the HOST family.

If you are:

  1. persons aged 18-26,
  2. you have at least completed high school,
  3. you have a category B driver’s license,
  4. you have not been convicted,
  5. you have experience in babysitting,
  6. you have not previously been denied a U.S. visa,
  7. ou have an intermediate level of English language skills,
  8. and you have not been a participant in the AU PAIR program in previous years (less than 2 years ago),

…. you meet all the conditions to sign up for our program and start your adventure!

Experience: You must have at least two families with whom you worked before applying to the program. The more experience you have, the faster you will find a job.

Up to 26 years old: This means that the candidate must arrive in America before his 27th birthday, but he can turn 27 there and, say, extend the program after that if he wants to. It is important that only at the moment of entering the country, the candidate has a maximum of 26 years old.

You know English minimum B1 level: The candidate will pass a certain test in English when he gets a job and before he gets DS 2019 form from the sponsoring agency. This is one of the conditions for the candidate to receive all the necessary documentation for sighting.

Au Pair program for season 2023:

$ 799,00

Method and dynamics of payment:

  • $ 300 advance when applying to the Au pair program,
  • $ 399 after finding the Host family and before applying for a visa. The amount in dollars is paid in dinars at the middle exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia on the day of payment.


  1. an annual allowance of $ 10,000 which is about $ 195 per week,
  2. accommodation and food provided by the HOST family,
  3. online childcare training,
  4. a course at one of the colleges worth $ 500 which is also provided by the family,
  5. after one year of stay in the family, there is a possibility of extending the stay to 6, 9 or 12 months,
  6. two weeks of annual leave after 6 months of work,
  7. air ticket in both directions – provided by the family,
  8. health insurance during the working part of the program,
  9. constant support of the American Adventure team and the AU PAIR agency from the USA,
  10. obtaining the DS-2019 form,
  11. SEVIS costs,
  12. Help with filling out the application
  13. organizing sighting documentation,
  14. scheduling an interview at the United States Embassy,
  15. English language proficiency testing.


  1. sighting costs ($ 185)
  2. transfer costs from the airport to the HOST family in case incurred
  3. personal allowance of $ 300-500
  4. air tax costs of $ 100

NOTE: All costs listed in dollars are paid in dinars to the account of American Adventure d.o.o. at Erste Bank at the middle exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia on the day of payment. The visa fee is paid directly to the account of the embassy. The payment order will be provided to you by the sales agent of the American Adventure team.

First of all, we advise you to contact our agent at the branch in order to obtain more detailed information about the program. AU PAIR is a program that is active throughout the year, so you have the opportunity to sign up whenever you want, but please note that if you want to start your adventure within a week, chances are we will not be able to allow you to do so. Follow our website, and find out regularly about all the benefits we offer.

KORAK 1 – Informativni razgovor pre prijave

Posle informativnog sastanka sa jednim od naših agenata, započinjemo pripreme za Vaš AU PAIR program. Potrebno je da obavimo mini intervju u vezi Vašeg iskustva, koji tip porodice bi Vam najviše odgovarao, moguće mesto stanovanja HOST porodice i tako dalje. Pre potpisivanja Ugovora potrebno je uraditi psihotest. Psihotest sadrži niz pitanja koje Vam agenti prodaje dostavljaju u pisanoj formi i koji ste u obavezi da popunite tačnim i iskrenim odgovorima. Cilj je da saznamo što više informacija u vezi Vaše ličnosti da bismo Vam obezbedili porodicu koja Vam najviše odgovara.

KORAK 2 – Prijava na program

Na našoj Internet stranici imate online prijavu koju treba da popunite ukoliko ste se odlučili za AU PAIR program. Nakon toga ćemo Vam na mail poslati svu dokumentaciju i predstojeće korake na putu do Vašeg cilja. Dokumentacija uključuje i instrukcije za plaćanje. Nakon plaćanja prvih troškova programa ćete i zvanično napraviti Vaš prvi korak ka SAD-u. Cenu programa čini prijava i avans koji se plaćaju na dan potpisivanja Ugovora a druga rata se plaća nakon pronalaženja Vaše željene porodice. Potpisuje se Ugovor o pružanju usluga sa American Adventure d.o.o gde se jasno definišu prava i obaveze Vas kao naručioca usluge i naše agencije kao davaoca usluge.

KORAK 3 – Dokumentacija

Nakon potpisivanja Ugovora, Vaša obaveza je da dostavite neophodnu dokumentaciju u narednih 10 radnih dana. Naši saradnici će biti sa Vama tokom celog procesa, dok god bezbedno ne stignete do željene porodice. Aplikacija za porodicu biće spram Vaših želja i saveta saradnika, bićete prihvaćeni u željenu porodicu samo ukoliko obe strane pokažu odobrenje.

KORAK 4 – Aplikacija

Sledeći korak nam je popunjavanje zvanične aplikacije za traženje AU PAIR HOST porodice. Da bismo adekvatno popunili aplikaciju potrebno je da priložite minimum dve reference od porodica kojima ste čuvali decu, minimum jednu referencu od osobe kojoj ste čuvali decu u vezi sa Vašim psihološkim profilom. Morate da napravite fotokolaž sačinjen od slika Vas i dece tokom brige o njima i poželjno je da bude u JPEG formatu. Obavite lekarski pregled, izvadite uverenje da niste krivično gonjeni, kopiju vozačke dozvole, propratno pismo porodici u SAD, kopiju Vaše diplome (sa fakulteta ili srednje škole), kopiju intervju-a koji smo ranije obavili i psihometrični test. Kada smo to prikupili, popunjavate aplikaciju prilikom koje će Vam agent asisitirati. Aplikacija se šalje AU PAIR agenciji i tada traženje Vaše HOST porodice može da počne.

KORAK 5 – Traženje HOST porodice

HOST porodice primaju nekoliko aplikacija istovremeno i uvek odaberu nekoliko potencijalnih kandidata. HOST porodica će Vas kontaktirati prvo putem mail-a da biste se dogovorili za telefonski razgovor ili će Vas odmah telefonskim putem kontaktirati. Agent će Vas upozoriti da budete pri Vašem telefonu kada uđete u proces potrage za HOST porodicom da ne biste propustili priliku.  Porodice najviše zanimaju informacije u vezi sa Vašim prethodnim iskustvom u čuvanju dece. Nemojte se iznenaditi ako Vam upute pitanje u vezi Vaše ličnosti. Najbitnije je da na pitanja odgovarate punim rečenicama, ne oklevajte da se udubite u konverzaciju sa njima. Nakon razgovora sa porodicom ćemo ubrzo dobiti odgovor da li ste primljeni od strane HOST porodice ili niste. Ovakvi intervjui se održavaju sve dok ne budete primljeni od strane jedne HOST porodice.

KORAK 6 – Generisanje dokumenata potrebnih za dobijanje J1 vize od strane AU PAIR agencije

Nakon što se HOST porodica odlučila za Vas, AU PAIR agencija u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama započinje generisanje potrebnih dokumenata za dobijanje Vaše J1 vize (DS 2019 obrazac). Kada su svi dokumenti prikupljeni, ugovara se intervju za dobijanje vize u ambasadi u Beogradu.

KORAK 7 – Zakazivanje intervjua u ambasadi

Agencija je ta koja Vam zakazuje viziranje u skladu sa Vašim željenim datumom putovanja i naravno Vašim dogovorom sa HOST porodicom. Vaša obaveza do tada jeste da uplatite taksu od $160 američkoj ambasadi u Beogradu.  Pre odlaska na intervju za vizu, agencija će Vas sprovesti kroz moguća pitanja na samom razgovoru za vizu. Nakon obavljenog razgovora sa konzulom, na licu mesta dobijate odgovor da li ste dobili vizu ili ne.

KORAK 8 – Avio karta i polazak

Po pitanju avio karte, AU PAIR agencija Vam obezbeđuje istu. Vi ne snosite troškove avio prevoza. Jedina stavka koju treba da finansirate jeste doplata (taksa) za aerodrome u iznosu od $100.

KORAK 9 – Dolazak kod HOST porodice

U većini slučajeva, HOST porodica će Vas pokupiti na aerodromu i obezbediti transfer do mesta stanovanja. Ukoliko to nije slučaj, moraćete sami da snosite troškove transporta od aerodroma do HOST porodice.

We need certain documentation to complete the application. Filling out the application is quite a demanding job and that is why American Adventure agents will be constantly available to you during this process.


  1. photocopy of a valid passport,
  2. photos for US visa (5X5 cm with white background),
  3. confirmation that you have not been criminally convicted (from the Ministry of the Interior),
  4. photocopy of a valid international driver’s license,
  5. recommendations of at least 2 families with whom you have cared for children,
  6. recommendations from at least one person you have cared for in relation to your psychological profile,
  7. greeting letter to the HOST family,
  8. medical certificate (you get a blank at the agency),
  9. photocopy of diploma on acquired education (translated into English)
  10. several photos in a family environment with children in the form of a collage (JPEG format),
  11. a photocopy of the passport that is valid for a minimum of 18 months from the date of filling out the application.

The J-1 visa allows AU PAIR program participants to travel and work legally in the United States throughout the year. The use of the AU PAIR program can be for one year with the possibility of extension for an additional 6, 9 or 12 months. After that, every AU PAIR girl is entitled to one month of travel throughout the United States.


DS-2019 je dokument koji obezbeđuje AU PAIR agencija iz SAD sa kojom sarađujemo. Ovaj dokument omogućava kandidatu da bude učesnik programa, ide na viziranje i dobije J1 vizu. Na njemu se nalaze informacije o organizatoru programa (AU PAIR agenciji), dužini trajanja programa, kao i osnovne informacije samog učesnika. Po dobijanju vize, učesnik AU PAIR programa kulturne razmene, obavezan je da ponese ovaj dokument sa sobom u SAD. DS-2019 mora biti potpisan i mora se čuvati tokom putovanja i boravka u SAD-u podjednako kao i viza. Vaša viza nije važeća bez ovog formulara. DS-2019 se stalno mora nositi sa pasošem u toku trajanja programa.

I-94 obrazac

Obrazac I-94 sadrži informacije o datumu ulaska i izlaska iz Sjedinjenih Američkih Država. Popunjava ga svaki putnik izvan SAD-a koji ulazi u Sjedinjene Države. Obrazac označava dužinu boravka i taj datum se mora podudarati sa datumom na obrascu DS-2019, plus trideset dodatnih dana predviđenih za putovanje.


SEVIS Student & Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) je sistem pomoću kojeg se evidentiraju i prate učesnici programa kulturnih razmena za vreme boravka u SAD (J1 viza). Svi učesnici moraju da se registruju u SEVIS programu i ovo je  obavezno za dobijanje J-1 vize.


SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER SSN je socijalni broj koji je obavezan za legalan rad u SAD-u. Ovaj broj se dobija nakon apliciranja za isti u kancelarijama Social Security Administration, po dolasku u Ameriku.

See a doctor! It is extremely important to visit a doctor before embarking on any journey, especially if you are staying in a foreign country for an extended period of time. Do extensive analyzes because even though you have health insurance in a foreign country, there are many items that are not subject to basic insurance, especially if you are not ill in a foreign country.

Check the documentation! We will help you and check all the documentation you need for the program. After obtaining a visa, you will have a lot of documentation, and that is why it is necessary to check carefully before the trip whether your passport, your DS form, SEVIS, health card are there.

Explore the place where you will stay! The HOST family will definitely show you the place where you will stay and take you to meet him, but like everyone, no one knows all the information about their city. Educate yourself, read where you are going. Maybe there is something in that city that interests you that you don’t want to miss, as well as something that you want to bypass at all costs.

Get an international driver’s license! The necessary documentation emphasizes that you get an international driver’s license because in America you will use a lot of cars from your family when transporting children to school, training and so on. In AMSS you can inquire about the places, the way and the price of the same.

Restore English! We don’t have to stress to you that you are going to an American family. Of course, you are not expected to speak like the average American, but the more effort you put into your English before you go to America, the easier it will be for you to master it afterwards. English is very widespread and there is no need to emphasize how important it can be to you, so think about your future and work on yourself.

Families in the United States can have different profiles. These are mostly families with two to four children under the age of 10. The United States is a multiethnic environment, so it is possible that you will be in families that are American citizens, but it does not mean that they are of the same ethnicity. All families must be fluent in English. Remember that both parties must agree before you go to the family, it is extremely important that you like the family, and that you like them. However, this does not preclude the possibility of potential disagreements that may occur. An AU PAIR representative will be at your disposal at all times, visiting you to ensure that everything is in order. The AU PAIR agency has representatives across the United States who are able to reach the HOST family within an hour. If the disagreement between the family and the AU PAIR girl cannot be resolved, a new HOST family will be sought on the spot. You should definitely stand behind your choice, and try to achieve the best possible communication with your Host family. You will become a part of their everyday life, so do not doubt that they will give you a lot of their time to make you feel accepted and to make your stay as pleasant as possible.


One of the most important moments of finding a suitable family is the interview with the same. Of course, all the necessary documentation, driver’s license, work experience and babysitting is really important, and is one of the most important factors, but sometimes, despite your good qualifications, it happens that you are not accepted into the desired HOST family because of the interview. HOST families are the ones who choose whether to talk to you. After the application is completed, the family will contact you for a telephone conversation. American Adventure agents are here to prepare you to the maximum for such a conversation. First of all, you need to be relaxed, without fear, charismatic and open in conversation. Talking to a potential family is a unique opportunity for you, especially when you can find out everything you need to know about the HOST family. These are people with whom you need to spend a year „under the same roof“ and it is quite normal that you want to ask them everything, and to have a nice conversation with them. Avoid questions about nationality, sexual orientation or politics. Also avoid answering questions with „yes“ or „no“. Please note, this should be a normal family conversation because you will be a part of it.


  1. Da obezbedi avio kartu u oba pravca za učesnika programa,
  2. da obezbedi i finansira proizvoljni kurs na jednom od lokalnih univerziteta,
  3. da obezbedi hranu i smeštaj prilagođen uslovima u kojima i sama porodica živi,
  4. da prihvati kandidata kao deo svog svakodnevnog života i tretira ga kao deo porodice,
  5. da obezbedi godišnji džeparac od $10000,
  6. da obezbedi dve nedelje godišnjeg odmora nakon 6 meseci rada,
  7. da obezbedi zdravstveno osiguranje,
  8. da obezbedi AU PAIR kandidatu slobodan vikend makar jednom mesečno.


  1. Au Pair kandidat treba da vodi računa o svom ponašanju, načinu oblačenja,  treba da pokaže naklonost prema deci, pažnju i brigu, ali takođe i autoritet,
  2. briga o deci najviše dok su roditelji na poslu, da spremite deci užinu kada je to potrebno,
  3. da pomognete deci oko nekih dodatnih aktivnosti, da koegzistirate sa njihovim načinom života i da se trudite da se maksimalno prilagodite,
  4. da vodite računa da dečije prostorije ostanu uredne i sređene,
  5. da vodite računa o ličnoj higijeni i higijeni prostorije u kojoj boravite,
  6. da poštujete i pridržavate se svih ugovorenih obaveza,
  7. da prisustvujete online orijentaciji u vezi sa čuvanjem dece u Americi,
  8. da uredno pohađate kurs po svom izboru koji Vam finansira porodica u kojoj odsedate.

au pair

If you want to change the environment in which you currently live, to get to know a new culture, to give yourself a chance for a new work experience, AU PAIR is the program for you.

The family you choose for yourself will give you a chance to study at one of the American universities, to get to know their everyday life and way of life, to create work habits, and to prepare for your future family. The program also offers you a month of travel throughout America at the end of your work where you have the opportunity to visit the most attractive parts of America, as well as its imposing cities.

  1. YOU IN AMERICA: This is a unique opportunity to visit one of the most influential and developed countries in the world. There is a saying „A man is worth as much as the state visits!“ We want you to live in that spirit, in your adventure. Above all, this is a great opportunity to get to know not only one different culture, but several of them.
  2. YOU AND THE FAMILY: The AU PAIR program is a child care program. The rhythm of life in the 21st century is extremely dynamic, which is why there is a need to employ people of trust who are able to take care of the youngest generations. This is an opportunity to see yourself and your family in the future, to see what you should and should not do, to experience what it is like to take care of someone who is not ready for it yet. Soak up every second with children and family, there is a lot you can learn from children, caring for them and living with a different family.
  3. WORK HABIT: This is an opportunity for your independence. In addition to teaching you what it looks like to take care of others, and to adapt to a different cultural environment, this program is also a test for you. You will be rewarded weekly for your work in the form of a mandatory pocket money that your family will give you. For many of you, this will be the first money earned solely through your hard work and commitment. Think about how you are going to spend it.
  4. EDUCATION: One of the prerequisites for this program is your solid knowledge of English. A year spent in a family where English is spoken will surely significantly increase your knowledge of this language and conversation in it. Also, the family will provide you with a course at one of the nearby colleges. We have no doubt that the fact that you have a type of training abroad will look great in your biography.
  5. INDEPENDENCE: in those years you are still quite dependent on your family, friends, environment. Of course, we don’t think that’s a bad thing, but this program will give you the opportunity to mature primarily as a person, to be a little more mature, and a little more flexible in terms of your future. You never know in which country you can become a successful business person and how important this experience will really be to you.