Akcija se nastavlja! 90% popusta na ranu prijavu!

Dragi studenti,

Mesec novembar i American Adventure Team Vam donose nove popuste na staru cenu W&T programa. Aktuelan popust ovog meseca je 90% popusta na dinarski deo programa odnosno na prijavu na program. Ukoliko se odlučite da nam poklonite poverenje i krenete sa nama u avanturu, imate priliku da uštedite 90% na ranu prijavu i umesto 7000RSD, uplatite samo 700rsd. Dakle, iznos prve rate bi u ovom slučaju bio 700RSD i $200 u dinarskoj protivvrednosti. Popust traje sve do kraja novembra odnosno sve dok ima slobodnih mesta na programu.

  • Najbolje lokacije u USA
  • Stara cena programa još uvek
  • Plati program na mesečne rate bez kamate
  • Odplati deo programa iz USA
  • Ukoliko ne dobiješ vizu zadržavamo 0$
  • Osiguraj program
  • Osvoji besplatan program
  • Studentski krediti bez kamate
  • Besplatni časovi engleskog / simulacija razgovora sa poslodavcem i sa konzulom
  • Grupni popust, family discount….i mnogo drugih pogodnosti!


  1. Ranijom prijavom kandidat ostvaruje razne popuste;
  2. Ranijom prijavom kandidat ima više vremena da sakupi potrebnu dokumentaciju;
  3. Ranijom prijavom kandidat ima veći izbor poslova;
  4. Ranijom prijavom kandidat ima mogućnost da plati program na rate;
  5. Ranijom prijavom kandidat može ranije da kupi avio kartu a samim tim uštedi i do 200 EUR u zavisnosti od lokacije u USA;
  6. Ranijom prijavom kandidat ima vremena da usavrši engleski jezik do polaska na program;
  7. Ranijom prijavom kandidat obezbeđuje na vreme svoj termin za razgovor u USA ambasadi u Beogradu;
  8. Ranijom prijavom kandidat obezbeđuje učešće za program jer je broj učesnika na globalnom nivou (nivou celog sveta) – OGRANIČEN.


Uštedite novac, obezbedite sebi novu W&T avanturu po staroj ceni i prijavite se odmah kako biste izabrali što bolju radnu ponudu za sebe. Ne zaboravite da je broj kandidata ograničen, zato nam se javite što pre kako biste zauzeli svoje mesto na vreme.

American Adventure Team Vas očekuje!



The action continues! 90% discount on early check-in!

Dear students,

The month of November and the American Adventure Team bring you new discounts on the old price of the W&T program. The current discount this month is a 90% discount on the dinar part of the program, ie on the application for the program. If you decide to trust us and go on an adventure with us, you have the opportunity to save 90% on early check-in and instead of 7000RSD, pay only 700rsd. So, the amount of the first installment in this case would be 700 RSD and $ 200 in dinar equivalent. The discount lasts until the end of November, ie as long as there are vacancies on the program.

  • The best locations in the USA
  • The old price of the program still
  • Pay the program in monthly installments without interest
  • Repay part of the program from the USA
  • If you do not receive a visa, we retain $ 0
  • Secure the program
  • Win a free program
  • Interest-free student loans
  • Free English classes / simulation of conversations with the employer and the consul
  • Group discount, family discount …. and many other benefits!


  • By applying earlier, the candidate gets various discounts;
  • By applying earlier, the candidate has more time to gather the necessary documentation;
  • By applying earlier, the candidate has a greater choice of jobs;
  • By applying earlier, the candidate has the opportunity to pay for the program in installments;
  • By registering earlier, the candidate can buy an air ticket earlier and thus save up to EUR 200, depending on the location in the USA;
  • By applying earlier, the candidate has time to improve his / her English language before starting the program;
  • By applying earlier, the candidate secures his / her appointment in time at the USA Embassy in Belgrade;
  • By applying earlier, the candidate secures participation for the program because the number of participants at the global level (worldwide level) is LIMITED.


Save money, get yourself a new W&T adventure at the old price and sign up now to choose the best job offer for you. Remember that the number of candidates is limited, so contact us as soon as possible to take your place on time.

The American Adventure Team is waiting for you!