Ivana Vukašinović, Wells, Maine


Godina putovanja: 2014
Iskustvo sa agencijom: Neutralno
Agencija je ok,samo sam očekivala da poseduju više informacija o samom mestu u koje su nas poslali. Meni je rečeno da ima dosta restorana, mesta gde se lako može naci drugi posao. To stvarno nije bilo tačno. Problem sa nalaženjem drugog posla nisam imala samo ja. Devojke koje su živele sa mnom su takodje imale ovaj problem. Ne znam da li možda pre nas niko nije bio baš u ovom mestu, pa nisu imali sve informacije.

Lokacija: Wells, Maine
Iskustvo sa nalaženjem dodatnog posla: Negativno
Wells je mesto u kojem se pretežno nalaze hoteli i moteli. Ima jedna glavna ulica i nekoliko manjih koje vode do plaže. Sve je locirano do puta. Nema neke mogućnosti za šetnju. Meni se iskreno nije nešto dopalo. Jako je mali broj restorana,barova,suvenirnica. Prema tome, ako vam je prvi posao housekeeping (kao što je bio u mom slučaju) stvarno ne preporučujem da idete u Wells. Tačnije, uopšte ne preporučujem. Ja sam morala da radim u mestu pored, Ogunquit se zove. Svaki dan sam vozila bajs po 45 minuta u jednom smeru. To nije problem ako je lepo vreme, ali ako padne kiša, verujte mi da nije baš prijatno. Posle prvog posla, voziti na kiši i ići direktno na drugi posao je poprilično teško. Moja preporuka je da odete u Ogunquit. Mnogo je lepše mesto, ima više studenata, veće su mogućnosti da se nadje bolji posao. U Wellsu ima jedan bar, mislim da se zove Feile. Tu je ok otići uveče, imaju fine koktele, ali nije ništa specijalno. Većinom su stariji gosti, pa malo bude smor. U Ogunqitu ipak postoji nekoliko barova,klub (To je gej klub, muškarci koji fino izgledaju mogu tamo i da se zaposle; fina je lova, koliko sam čula). Moja drugarica je uspela da se zaposli na dva dana nedeljno kao basser u Wellsu, u restoranu Billy’s chowder i stvarno je dobro zaradjiavala tamo. Tako da,ako se ipak odlučite za Wells, prvo idite u Billy’s da tražite posao. Pored tog Billy’s se nalazi Varano’s restoran,ali je tamo jako teško upasti. Ima još nekoliko restorančića, ali je to jako malo u poredjenju sa Ogunquitom.

Posao: housekeeper,Village by the sea
Iskustvo sa poslodavcem: Neutralno
Satnica: 9 $  Broj sati nedeljno: 35  Prosek napojnica: Prosek neki je oko 15 $.
Opis poslodavca: Dobra stvar ovog posla je što smo imale odličan smeštaj koji je bio u samom hotelu. Tačnije, to je jedan od apartmana za izdavanje. Sve smo imale, čak i mašinu za pranje sudova. Loša stvar je što je posao stvarno jako težak,nismo imale kolica koja guramo, nego se sva oprema( ogromne zelene torbe natrpane peškirima, krpama za brisanje, šamponima, sapunima i dr.) nosi na ledjima. Druga stvar, ne postoji lift, nego se ide peske uz i niz stepenice. Treća stvar, nismo imale dovoljno sati. 35-38 u jeku sezone što je jako malo. Radno vreme je bilo od 9-3, nekad do pola 4,4. Retko se kad desilo da smo završili u pola 5. Kada smo rekli da trazimo drugi posao, rekli su nam da ne smemo pre 5 da počinjemo na drugom poslu da radimo. Objašnjenje je bilo da ćemo im možda nekad trebati do pola 5.To se desilo svega nekoliko puta za 4 i po meseca koliko smo radile tamo. Bakšiš je deljen skroz nepravedno. Da ne dužim, Wells ne preporučujem! Ni Village by the sea! Ipak program Work & Travel svakako preporučujem. Planiram opet da idem. Upoznaćete ljude, poboljšati jezik, steći iskustvo, proputovati i pamtiti kao jednu od najlepših stvari u životu!

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Year of travel: 2014

Agency experience: Neutral

The agency is ok, I just expected them to have more information about the place they sent us to. I was told that there are a lot of restaurants, places where you can easily find another job. That really wasn’t true. It wasn’t just me who had a problem finding another job. The girls who lived with me also had this problem. I don’t know if maybe no one was in this place before us, so they didn’t have all the information.

Location: Wells, Maine

Experience finding an additional job: Negative

Wells is a place where hotels and motels are mostly located. There is one main street and several smaller ones leading to the beach. Everything is located next to the road. There is no opportunity for a walk. I honestly didn’t like something. There are very few restaurants, bars, souvenir shops. So if your first job is housekeeping (as it was in my case) I really don’t recommend going to Wells. More precisely, I do not recommend it at all. I had to work in a place next door, it’s called Ogunquit. Every day I drove a bike for 45 minutes in one direction. It’s not a problem if the weather is nice, but if it rains, believe me, it’s not very pleasant. After the first job, driving in the rain and going directly to the second job is quite difficult. My recommendation is to go to Ogunquit. It is a much nicer place, there are more students, there are more opportunities to find a better job. There’s one bar in Wells, I think it’s called Feile. It’s ok to go there in the evening, they have fine cocktails, but it’s nothing special. They are mostly older guests, so there is a bit of fatigue. There are a few bars in Ogunqit after all, a club (It’s a gay club, men who look good can get a job there; it’s nice money, as far as I’ve heard). My friend managed to get a job for two days a week as a busser in Wells, at Billy’s chowder restaurant and made really good money there. So, if you do opt for Wells, go to Billy’s first to look for a job. Next to that Billy’s is Varano’s restaurant, but it’s very hard to get in there. There are a few more restaurants, but that’s very little compared to Ogunquit.

Job: housekeeper, Village by the sea

Employer experience: Neutral

Hourly rate: $ 9 Number of hours per week: 35 Average tip: The average is about $ 15.

Employer description: The good thing about this job is that we had great accommodation that was in the hotel itself. More precisely, it is one of the apartments for rent. We had everything, even the dishwasher. The bad thing is that the work is really very hard, we didn’t have a wheelchair to push, but all the equipment (huge green bags full of towels, wipes, shampoos, soaps, etc.) is carried on the back. Another thing, there is no elevator, you go on sand along and through the stairs. Third thing, we didn’t have enough hours. 35-38 in the height of the season which is very little. Working hours were from 9-3, sometimes to half 4.4. It rarely happened that we finished at half past five. When we said we were looking for another job, they told us not to start working on another job before 5. The explanation was that we might need them until half past five. That happened only a few times in the 4 and a half months we worked there. The tip is divided completely unfairly. Not to lengthen, Wells I do not recommend! Ni Village by the sea! However, I definitely recommend the Work & Travel program. I plan to go again. You will meet people, improve your language, gain experience, travel and remember as one of the most beautiful things in life!