Nikola Mrmak, Park City, Utah


Godina putovanja: 2015
Iskustvo sa agencijom: Pozitivno
Veoma su odgovorni, prijatni za saradnju, fleksibilni za svaku vrstu saradnje i dogovora.

Lokacija: Park City, Utah
Iskustvo sa nalaženjem dodatnog posla: Pozitivno
Ljudi su prijatni, klima je planinska, nije pakao, autobusi su besplatni, ima noćnog života. Mesto je predivno, država Utah je kulturna baština, gospodska država.

Posao: Housekeeping, Waldorf Astoria
Iskustvo sa poslodavcem: Pozitivno
Satnica: $12  Broj sati nedeljno: 40  Prosek napojnica(sedmično): $50
Opis poslodavca: Čišćenje soba, moguć i timski rad, da dvoje studenata rade istovremeno jednu sobu.

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Year of travel: 2015

Agency experience: Positive

They are very responsible, pleasant to cooperate, flexible for any kind of cooperation and agreement.

Location: Park City, Utah

Experience finding an extra job: Positive

The people are nice, the climate is mountainous, it’s not hell, the buses are free, there is nightlife. The place is beautiful, the state of Utah is a cultural heritage, a lordly state.

Job: Housekeeping, Waldorf Astoria

Employer experience: Positive

Hourly rate: $ 12 Number of hours per week: 40 Average tips (per week): $ 50

Employer description: Room cleaning, possible team work, for two students to work in one room at the same time.