If you are interested in gaining practical experience in your field of study, we offer you two programs that allow you to improve your academic and professional qualifications – Professional Practice / Training in America:

  • Internship (J-1 Program) Professional practice in America
  • Training (J-1 Program) Professional development in America

As a participant in these programs, you will have the opportunity to work for American companies and gain international work experience, which can open many doors for you in the future. You will also get to know the American way of life and make money at the same time. You can apply at any time of the year, the internship program (INTERNSHIP) can last up to 12 months and the professional development program (TRAINING) up to 18 months.

Here you can download the MANUAL for the Internship and Training program in the USA

Download PDF

INTERNSHIP PROGRAM – Professional practice in America

The internship program (professional internship program in America) is intended for final year students or freshly graduated students (up to one year from graduation). Participants have the opportunity to work in American companies, in paid internship positions and have the opportunity to gain practical experience in the field of studies. Attendees will be able to improve their language skills by interacting with associates, company clients, or other interns. After the program, participants have an additional 30 days of the so-called „grace period“. During this period, students cannot work, so this is the best time to explore other parts of the United States. The duration of the program is up to 12 months.

TRAINING PROGRAM – Professional development in America

Qualified participants can work for up to 18 months anywhere in the United States, in approved companies that conduct the Training Program (professional development program in America). This program and the visa that accompanies it (J1 visa) is NOT a long-term job and allows participants to gain practical experience and guidance in areas relevant to either their study program or current area of ​​employment.

Positions in Internship and Training programs

  • Razvoj softvera
  • Mrežni inženjering
  • Web dizajn i razvoj
  • Marketing
  • Poslovna administracija
  • Izgradnja
  • Ugostiteljstvo, kulinarstvo i turizam
  • grafički dizajn
  • Međunarodna trgovina
  • Računovodstvo
  • Arhitektura
  • Poljoprivreda


In this option, the sponsor finds you your place of internship or training. The applicant may or may not accept the offer and in that case is waiting for the next job interview option. Please note that our sponsor will do everything in his power to find an offer in accordance with your wishes and affinities, but also that the sponsor will not always be able to respond to all your wishes.

Contact us for program prices and currently open positions.

What is included in the price of this option:

  • Providing paid internships in your profession
  • Interview with our sponsors
  • Health insurance for the duration of the program (this insurance does not cover your travel month)
  • 24/7 support for the duration of the program
  • Agency service
  • Initial English language proficiency testing
  • 4G SIM USA card

What is NOT included in the price of the program:

  • Airline ticket to the USA (as program participants you will be offered privileged transport prices that we provide thanks to long-term cooperation with airlines)
  • US Embassy Interview Expenses ($ 160)
  • SEVIS program costs ($ 220)
  • Accommodation and food costs during your stay in the USA


In this option, the applicant finds a company or association that will accept him / her for the Internship or Training program. This option emphasizes that all participants are responsible for their accommodation. Program participants are required to submit accommodation information to their coordinators within 48 hours of arrival at a valid SEVIS.

Contact us for program prices.

What is included in the price of this option:

  • Health insurance for the duration of the program (this insurance does not cover the month intended for travel)
  • 24/7 support for the duration of the program
  • Agency service
  • 4G SIM USA card

What is NOT included in the price of the program:

  • Airline ticket to the USA (as program participants you will be offered privileged transport prices that we provide thanks to long-term cooperation with airlines)
  • US Embassy Interview Expenses ($ 160)
  • SEVIS program costs ($ 220)
  • Accommodation and food costs during your stay in the USA.

KORAK 1 – Online aplikacija

Registracija za program se vrši direktno sa web stranice American Adventure. Link možete pronaći ovdje. Da bi vaša prijava bila registrovana kao pripravnik/pripravnik u odjeljku "Informacije o studentima", pod "Trenutna godina studija", odaberite pripravnik/pripravnik.
Nakon zaprimanja zahtjeva, kontaktirat će vas predstavnik American Adventure koji će biti zadužen za upravljanje vašom aplikacijom do trenutka prijema vize. Aplikacioni paket sa dokumentacijom, ugovorom i brošurom bit će vam poslan e-poštom.

KORAK 2 – Dokumentacija

Kandidat se prijavljuje za željeni program i dostavlja sljedeću dokumentaciju:

    • Potvrda suda da se ne vodi krivični postupak (srpski i engleski),
    • Potvrda fakulteta o stečenom znanju ili uverenje o statusu studenta (srpski i engleski),
    • motivaciono pismo,
    • Kopija prve stranice pasoša i svih američkih viza,
    • Kopija SSN (ako je student bio u SAD),
    • Preporuka profesora sa fakulteta, svi sertifikati koji bi upotpunili Vašu biografiju,
    • Preporuka poslodavca (ako je kandidat bio u radnom odnosu).


Ukoliko imate bilo kakvih nedoumica ili pitanja o tome kako napisati dobar životopis ili motivaciono pismo, predstavnici American Adventure će vam biti na raspolaganju. U kratkom roku ćete biti obaviješteni da li se Vaši posebni zahtjevi mogu ispuniti i da li trebate dati dodatne informacije.

KORAK 3 – Skrining i razgovor za posao

Predstavnici sponzorskih agencija će vam zakazati Skype intervju i provjeriti vaše znanje engleskog jezika. Na osnovu ovog intervjua, sponzorska agencija će stvoriti sliku o vama i napraviti plan za vašu prezentaciju potencijalnim poslodavcima. Isto tako, u slučaju bilo kakvih nedoumica, na raspolaganju će vam biti agent agencije sponzora. Nakon toga uslijedit će razgovori sa poslodavcima i proces zapošljavanja.

KORAK 4 – Traženje posla

Kada sponzorska agencija pronađe potencijalnog poslodavca, bićete pozvani na razgovor sa njim. Obično je potrebno oko 3 kruga intervjua da prođu do konačnog odgovora da li ste prihvaćeni za određenu poziciju ili ne. Često se dešava da se nekoliko intervjua održava paralelno. Neki poslodavci zahtijevaju i izradu video CV dokumenta, uz pomoć naših predstavnika.


KORAK 5 – Priprema dokumentacije za vizu

Nakon pozitivnog odgovora poslodavca, sponzorska kompanija kreira vaš plan obuke za stažiranje. Od ovog trenutka stvari se kreću prilično brzo i uskoro ste spremni za svoju vizu. Nakon vize, sve što treba da uradimo je da vam pronađemo odgovarajuću avionsku kartu i spremni ste.

In order to be considered for a J-1 visa, an applicant must meet the following conditions:

  • If candidate is very close to graduate studies OR  graduated less than a year ago (Internship program – Professional Practice in America),
  • If candidate has a University degree and at least one year of paid work experience in the profession, which he studied,  outside the United States or 5 years of paid related work experience gained outside the United States and a high school diploma (Training program – Professional development in America),
  • A certain level of knowledge of English (which depends on the requirements of employers, preferable Intermediate or higher).
  • The participant must be between 22-36 years old (30 years old is limit for Internship program and 36 is limit for Training program).

Can I participate in a professional development program in the USA even though I have participated in another J-1 program in the past?

If you have been to the Work and Travel Program, Au Pair Program or Academic Year Program, you have the right to apply for the Internship or Training program. If you have been a participant in the Internship / Training program, you need to take a break for over 2 years before re-applying for the program.

Are there visa restrictions related to the length of stay in the United States?

The duration of these programs varies from 6 to 18 months and these programs can start at any time of the year. there is no set time to apply for the Internship and Training program. A participant in this program is issued a J-1 visa, which does not allow international participants to change their chosen employer or extend their training for more than 18 months. You will be issued a J-1 visa by the exact date shown on your DS 2019 form (your legal training length). Also, when entering the United States, you will be required to complete an I-94 form showing the last day by which you can be in the United States under a J-1 visa. Compared to the dates shown on the DS2019 form you have plus 30 days of the tourist period provided for travel.

Can I extend my internship program?

The Internship / Training Program is suspended by the date shown on the DS 2019 form. Once DS 2019 is released and you enter the US you cannot renew the program beyond the date shown on the DS 2019 form.

Can I continue my professional development program during the 30 days of the tourist period?

NOT. Once the date with DS 2019 expires, you are no longer sponsored for the professional development program and cannot continue with the program. You have the option of either returning home or staying in the U.S. for an additional 30 days beyond the expiration of the DS date but those days are reserved for travel only. If you wish to stay in the United States for more than 30 days to travel without the approval of the program, you must contact the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) office and request a change of visa to a B-2 tourist visa. You will need to complete the INS Form I-539 and pay $ 75. INS recommends that you submit your tourist visa application 45 days before the expiration of your J-1 visa.

In cooperation with our sponsors, we have the opportunity to offer you offers for J1 Internship. We offer programs from various fields such as hospitality, gastronomy, IT sector, marketing, accounting, agriculture, graphic design and many others.

Culinary Internship Program / San Francisco, CALIFORNIA

Trajanje obuke: 12 mjeseci
Sati: 32-40 sati sedmično
Kompenzacija: $16,00 po satu
Stanovanje: nije obezbeđeno
Broj ponuđenih pozicija: 3

Opis kompanije domaćina:

Ovaj fini restoran nalazi se u srcu San Francisca. Klasificiran je kao vrhunski novoamerički restoran sa opsežnom vinskom kartom, sjedećim garniturama za bankete i pogledom na Embarcadero i iznadprosječnim cijenama menija. Restoran nudi sezonski meni inspirisan svježim namirnicama iz nedjeljnika Farmer's Market. Restoran je popularna destinacija za poslovne ljude i korporativne događaje. Učesnik odabran za ovaj program će dobiti procjenu vještina i biti rotiran kroz različite kuhinjske operacije kako bi stekao bolje razumijevanje efikasnog upravljanja kuhinjom u finom restoranu.

Opis pozicije:

  • Naučite sve aspekte usluga velike količine hrane u finom ambijentu za ručavanje
  • Pomozite u pripremi hrane za posluživanje (npr. nasjeckajte povrće, mesajte meso ili pripremite umake)
  • Pomozite u pripremi stavki menija pod nadzorom
  • Napredne vještine upravljanja i nadzorne dužnosti

Kvalifikacije kandidata:

  • Da se prijavite za Internship program, morate biti student dodiplomskog studija kulinarstva, ugostiteljstva ili menadžmenta restorana ILI nedavno diplomirani student koji započinje program u roku od 12 mjeseci od diplomiranja.
  • Da se prijavite za Pripravnici program, morate imati diplomu kulinarskog, ugostiteljskog ili restoranskog menadžmenta i imati najmanje 1 godinu radnog iskustva u srodnoj oblasti ILI biti profesionalni profesionalac sa 5 ili više godina iskustva
  • Potreban je dobar engleski
  • Mora imati prethodno iskustvo u kulinarstvu

Kako se prijaviti:

  1. Pošaljite profesionalni životopis sa profesionalnom fotografijom
  2. Navedite datume dostupnosti (datum početka i završetka)
  3. Navedite broj i naziv ove ponude

Upravljanje događajima Internship / Temple House / MIAMI BEACH

Naziv organizacije Adresa Apartmani
Temple House, The 1415 EUCLID AVE
Grad Država i poštanski broj URL web stranice
ID broj poslodavca (EIN) Razmjena sati za posjetitelje sedmično Kompenzacija
651307081 40 $10 po satu
Politika kompenzacije radnika Da li vaša politika kompenzacije radnika pokriva posjetioce na razmjeni?
Izuzeto br
Broj FT zaposlenih na licu mjesta Godišnji prihod
6 $0 do $3 miliona


Washington Plaza Hotel, DC /

Program stažiranja 12 mjeseci

Program obuke 18 mjeseci.

Učesnici FRONT DESK-a


Otkrijte modernu eleganciju novouređene Washington Plaze. Balans kosmopolitske sofisticiranosti i ležerne gracioznosti, naš hotel nalik na odmaralište nudi prostrane, butik smeštaje na idealnoj lokaciji. Smješten u centru grada na Thomas Circleu, naš hotel se nalazi u najmodernijoj četvrti u gradu i udaljen je samo nekoliko minuta od kultnih atrakcija glavnog grada nacije. Salon pored našeg prekrasno uređenog bazena, vrhunac dizajna svjetski poznatog hotelskog arhitekte, Morrisa Lapidusa. Uživajte u inovativnim američkim jelima u restoranu 10 Thomas, omiljenom i gostima i pronicljivim stanovnicima DC-a, ili planirajte svoj sljedeći poslovni sastanak ili vjenčanje u našim 12.000 kvadratnih metara. ft. fleksibilnog prostora za sastanke, uronjen u stilski ambijent našeg butik hotela.

Program stažiranja za analizu podataka / Uredi u centru Oak Brooka u Chicagu

Program stažiranja 12 mjeseci

Program obuke 18 mjeseci

Pouzdani konsultantski partner za preduzeća koja žele da dobiju veću vrednost od rastuće količine podataka. Dizajniramo strategije i arhitekture podataka koje omogućavaju kompanijama da iskoriste mašinsko učenje, umjetnu inteligenciju, IoT i oblak kako bi pružile precizne, inteligentne uvide.