Dragi studenti, otvaramo još jednu Work and Travel sezonu u nizu!! Ovoga puta nudimo specijalne pogodnosti kako bi svako od Vas mogao da obezbedi svoje mesto na vreme. Prijava na program je potpuno BESPLATNA a umesto toga uplaćujete samo $100 što predstavlja uplatu prve rate i osiguravate svoje učešće na ovogodišnjem programu.
Svi znamo da je situacija sa virusom COVID-19 u svetu još uvek neizvesna ali ni oko toga ne treba da brinete! Ukoliko odlukom State Department-a i ove godine ne bude održan program, uplaćeni iznos Vam se u potpunosti REFUNDIRA!
Zapamtite da je broj mesta OGRANIČEN i zato krenite već sada sa nama u AVANTURU!
Nudimo Vam najbolje plaćene poslove i najatraktivnije destinacije! Isplanirajte već sada svoje naredno leto!
PAY $100 AND THAT'S IT!!!!
Dear students, we are opening another Work and Travel season in a row!! This time we offer special benefits so that each of you can secure your place on time. Registration for the program is completely FREE and instead you only pay $100 and secure your participation in this year’s program.
We all know that the situation with the COVID-19 virus in the world is still uncertain, but you don’t have to worry about that either! If the decision of the State Department does not hold the program this year as well, the amount paid will be fully REFUNDED to you!
Remember that the number of places is LIMITED and so go on an ADVENTURE with us now!
We offer you the best paid jobs and the most attractive destinations! Plan your next summer now!