China / Shanghai / Shenzhen

Kina je najmnogoljudnija zemlja na svetu koja obuhvata 9,5 miliona kilometara kvadratnih. Nalazi se u Aziji i ima 1,3 milijarde stanovnika po poslednjem popisu iz 2012. godine. Glavni grad je Peking.

Izdvajamo zanimljivosti o Kini koje će Vas fascinirati:

S obzirom na to da veliki deo Kine čini kopno i da je reč o najmnogoljudnijoj zemlji na svetu, sasvim  je logično da Kina proizvodi i konzumira ogromne količine prirodnih resursa i hrane. To takođe znači da veliki udeo milijardera živi upravo u Kini. “Biznis insajder” je došao do zanimljivih činjenica o drugoj ekonomskoj sili na svetu, koja bi ove godine mogla da nadmaši SAD i postane najveća ekonomska sila na svetu.

  • Kina je četvrta po veličini zemalja na svetu (posle Rusije, Kanade i SAD). Ona ima površinu od 9,5 miliona kilometara kvadratnih.
  • Reč Kina potiče od imena ĆIN što znači brada.
  • Kina je takođe poznata i kao “cvetno kraljevstvo” zbog mnogo voća i cveća (kao što su pomorandže i orhideje) koje se sada gaje širom sveta.
  • Toalet papir je nastao u Kini krajem 1300. godine, njega su u početku koristili samo carevi. Pored papira, Kinezi su stvorili kompas i barut.
  • Kinezi su izmislili zmajeve (papirne zmajeve) pre oko 3000 godina. Oni su korišćeni da uplaše neprijatelja u borbi. Dok se zmaj obično smatra zlim stvorenjem u zapadnoj kulturi, on drži prvo mesto među četiri najveća stvorenja u kineskoj mitologiji.
  • Mnoga kineska deca imaju cvrčke kao kućne ljubimce.
  • Kina ima samo jednu vremensku zonu.
  • Mnogi istoričari tvrde da je fudbal nastao u Kini 1000 godina pre nove ere.
  • Ping-pong, poznatiji kao stoni tenis je jedna od najpopularnijih igara u Kini. Kriket je takođe popularan.
  • Najpopularniji hobi u Kini jeste prikupljanje pečata i markica.
  • Rani carevi čuvali su pande za odbranu od zlih sila i prirodne katastrofe. Pande se takođe smatraju simbolima moći i hrabrosti u Kini.
  • Bela boja je kineska boja žalosti.
  • U Kini je običaj da bogataši imaju duge nokte na malim prstima, što govori o njihovom položaju.
  • Kinezi su prvi otkrili da krv cirkuliše kroz telo i da srce pumpa krv.
  • Čaj je otkriven u Kini, a verovanje je da se to desilo kada je list čaja pao u vrelu vodu. Kinezi smatraju da je čaj neophodan za zdrav život.
  • Najvažniji praznik u Kini je Kineska Nova Godina. Kinezi tradicionalno veruju da svaka osoba izbacuje zle sile iz stare godine. Takođe smatraju da je tada svima rođendan.
  • Kineski govori 92% stanovništva Kine.
  • Crvena boja simbolizuje sreću za Kineze i najčešće se koristi na kineskim festivalima i drugim veselim prilikama.
  • U drevnoj Kini, lotos se smatra kao simbol čistote.
  • Kinezi su prvi proizveli svilu 3000. godine pre nove ere. Kinezi su dobro čuvali tajnu pravljenja svile. Kina je poznata i kao Zemlja svile.
  • Najstariji komad papira na svetu je pronađen u Kini i potiče iz drugog veka pre nove ere.
  • Tokom prve polovine dvadesetog veka, Šangaj je bio jedina luka u svetu koja je prihvatila Jevreje bez vize.
  • Kineski lampioni su važan simbol dugog života. Fenjeri su nekada bili simboli bogatstva porodice, a najbogatije porodice imale su toliko velike fenjere, da je bilo potrebno nekoliko ljudi da ih podigne i upali.
  • Veliki kanal Kine je najduži kanal na svetu, dug 1,114 milja i sa oko 60 mostova.
  • Feniks je najvažnija ptica u kineskim legendama.
  • Položaj zvezda na kineskoj zastavi predstavlja jedinstvo naroda pod komunizmom. Tačnije, crvena zastava simbolizuje revoluciju, velika zvezda simbolizuje komunizam a male zvezde predstavljaju kineski narod.
  • Kineski zid je najveća građevina na svetu. Na temelju opsežnih istraživanja utvrđeno je da je ukupna dužina Velikog kineskog zida 21196 kilometara, objavila je nedavno Kineska državna uprava za kulturno nasleđe.
  • Kineske železničke pruge mogle bi dva puta da obaviju zemljinu kuglu. Ukupna dužina kineskih pruga iznosi 93000 kilometara.


Šangaj je najveći grad Kine i morsko pristanište na ušću reke Huangpu u reku Jangce, neposredno uz obalu Pacifika. Grad ima status zasebne kineske pokrajine. Po podacima iz 2010. godine Šangaj ima 23 miliona stanovnika i najveći je saobraćajni, trgovinski i industrijski centar zemlje.

Sastoji se od modernog grada koji obuhvata bivše engleske, američke i francuske četvrti sa poslovnim gradskim rejonima i stare kineske varoši (kineski Hutsen). Poseduje velike novčane zavode, prodavnice, hotele, univerzitet, Kinesku akademiju nauka, opservatorije, muzeje, pozorišta i tako dalje.

Šangaj se nalazi na listi najboljih gradova za život. Iz Šangaja polaze železničke pruge za Nanking, Peking i Handžou. Razvijena je industrija gvožđa i čelika, mašina, brodova, elektrotehnike, hemije, tekstila, keramike, hartije, kože i obuće, duvana, stakla, cementa…

Sredinom 1980tih doneta je odluka da Šangaj ponovo dobije ulogu predvodnika u modernizaciji Kine. To je dovelo do enormnog rasta industrijske proizvodnje i stranih investicija. Godine 1990. osnovana je Specijalna privredna zona Pudong i time utemeljen „Novi Bund“.

Grad se profilisao kao centar za razvoj biotehnologije, informacionih tehnologija i mikroelektronike. U njemu je sedište brojnih međunarodnih finansijskih institucija. U Šangaju se nalazi najviša zgrada u Kini, Šangajski svetski trgovinski centar, visok 492 metra. To je jedini grad u svetu u kome redovno saobraća magnetni voz.


Šenžen, (Shamchun ili Sham Chun, prema istorijskim dokumentima) je grad na samom jugu provincije Guangdong u južnom delu Narodne Republike Kine. Graniči sa specijalnom administrativnom oblasti Hong Kong, koja je od 1997. u sastavu Kine.

Grad je lako prevideti kao turističku destinaciju. Ne postoji na mnogim atlasima i kartama, a predstavlja grad koji može toliko toga da ponudi kako turistima tako i radnicima. „Lianhuashan“, „Lizhi“, „Wutongshan“ su samo jedne od najvećih planski izgrađenih parkova. Mnogo je prirodnih rezervata u samim gradskim granicama. Dodatno, 6.000 godina istorije ovde je je ostavilo tragove. Jedan od njih je 50 km od centra grada u okviru drevnog urbanog središta sa dvorcima i tvrđavama. To je Old fortress Dapeng (dvorac Dapeng), podignut 1394. godine za vreme vladavine južne dinastije Ming, a naselje je služilo kao odbrambena lokacija.

Najpoznatije atrakcije su:

  • Chinese Folk Culture Villages –  Kinesko narodno kulturno selo
  • Dameisha Promenade – Promenada Dameisha
  • Happy Valley Amusement Park – Dolina radosti
  • Minsk World – Svet Minska
  • Safari Park/Nanshanu – Safari park
  • Splendid China – Prelepa Kina
  • Windows of the World –  Prozor u svet
  • Xianhu Lake Botanical Garden – Botanički vrt uz jezero Xinhu
  • Xiaomeisha BeachResort/Yantianu – Plaža Xiaomeisha
  • Zhongying Street -Ulica Zhongying

Grad predstavlja jedan od epicentara kineske ekonomije. Činjenica je da po istraživanjima u ovom gradu živi čak 24 milijardera, tako da nije retko da na ulicama vidite retke automobile i naizgled bogatu ličnost. Grad je jedan od najpristupačnijih kada se radi o traženju posla za profesore engleskog jezika. Svi su evropski obučeni sa istim manirima, tako da iz dosadašnjeg istraživanja, ovaj grad je osobama koji traže posao u Kini uvek prvi izbor.

China / Shanghai / Shenzhen

China is the most populous country in the world, covering 9.5 million square kilometers. It is located in Asia and has a population of 1.3 billion according to the last census from 2012. The capital is Beijing.

Here are some interesting facts about China that will fascinate you:

Given that a large part of China is the mainland and that it is the most populous country in the world, it is quite logical that China produces and consumes huge amounts of natural resources and food. It also means that a large share of billionaires live in China. „Business Insider“ came up with interesting facts about the second economic power in the world, which could surpass the United States this year and become the largest economic power in the world.

  • China is the fourth largest country in the world (after Russia, Canada and the United States). It has an area of ​​9.5 million square kilometers.
  • The word China comes from the name QIN which means beard.
  • China is also known as the „flower kingdom“ because of the many fruits and flowers (such as oranges and orchids) that are now grown around the world.
  • Toilet paper originated in China at the end of 1300, and was initially used only by emperors. In addition to paper, the Chinese created a compass and gunpowder.
  • The Chinese invented dragons (paper dragons) about 3000 years ago. They were used to scare the enemy into battle. While the dragon is generally considered an evil creature in Western culture, it holds the first place among the four greatest creatures in Chinese mythology.
  • Many Chinese children have crickets as pets.
  • China has only one time zone.
  • Many historians claim that football originated in China in 1000 BC.
  • Ping-pong, better known as table tennis, is one of the most popular games in China. Cricket is also popular.
  • The most popular hobby in China is collecting stamps and stamps.
  • Early emperors guarded pandas to defend themselves from evil forces and natural disasters. Pandas are also considered symbols of power and courage in China.
  • White is the Chinese color of mourning.
  • In China, it is customary for the rich to have long nails on their little fingers, which speaks of their position.
  • The Chinese were the first to discover that blood circulates through the body and that the heart pumps blood.
  • Tea was discovered in China, and it is believed that it happened when a tea leaf fell into hot water. The Chinese believe that tea is necessary for a healthy life.
  • The most important holiday in China is Chinese New Year. The Chinese traditionally believe that every person expels evil forces from the old age. They also think that it is everyone’s birthday then.
  • Chinese is spoken by 92% of China’s population.
  • The color red symbolizes happiness for the Chinese and is most often used at Chinese festivals and other happy occasions.
  • In ancient China, the lotus was considered a symbol of purity.
  • The Chinese first produced silk in 3000 BC. The Chinese kept the secret of making silk well. China is also known as the Land of Silk.
  • The oldest piece of paper in the world was found in China and dates from the second century BC.
  • During the first half of the twentieth century, Shanghai was the only port in the world that accepted Jews without a visa.
  • Chinese lanterns are an important symbol of longevity. Lanterns used to be symbols of family wealth, and the richest families had such large lanterns that it took several people to pick them up and light them.
  • The Great Canal of China is the longest canal in the world, 1.114 miles long and with about 60 bridges.
  • The phoenix is ​​the most important bird in Chinese legends.
  • The position of the stars on the Chinese flag represents the unity of the people under communism. More precisely, the red flag symbolizes the revolution, the big star symbolizes communism and the small stars represent the Chinese people.
  • The Great Wall of China is the largest building in the world. Based on extensive research, it has been determined that the total length of the Great Wall of China is 21,196 kilometers, the Chinese State Administration for Cultural Heritage announced recently.
  • Chinese railways could wrap the globe twice. The total length of Chinese railways is 93,000 kilometers.



Shanghai is the largest city in China and a seaport at the confluence of the Huangpu River and the Yangtze River, just off the Pacific coast. The city has the status of a separate Chinese province. According to data from 2010, Shanghai has 23 million inhabitants and is the largest traffic, trade and industrial center of the country.

It consists of a modern city that includes the former English, American and French districts with business districts and the old Chinese town (Chinese Hutsen). It owns large financial institutions, shops, hotels, a university, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, observatories, museums, theaters and so on.

Shanghai is on the list of the best cities to live. Railways to Nanjing, Beijing and Hangzhou depart from Shanghai. The industry of iron and steel, machinery, ships, electrical engineering, chemistry, textiles, ceramics, paper, leather and footwear, tobacco, glass, cement has been developed…

In the mid-1980s, a decision was made to give Shanghai the role of leader in the modernization of China again. This has led to an enormous growth in industrial production and foreign investment. In 1990, the Pudong Special Economic Zone was established and the „New Bund“ was established.

The city has established itself as a center for the development of biotechnology, information technology and microelectronics. It is the seat of numerous international financial institutions. Shanghai is home to the tallest building in China, the 492-meter-high Shanghai World Trade Center. It is the only city in the world where a magnetic train runs regularly.



Shenzhen (Shamchun or Sham Chun, according to historical documents) is a city in the very south of Guangdong Province in the southern part of the People’s Republic of China. It borders the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, which has been part of China since 1997.

The city is easily overlooked as a tourist destination. It does not exist on many atlases and maps, and it is a city that can offer so much to both tourists and workers. „Lianhuashan“, „Lizhi“, „Wutongshan“ are just some of the largest planned parks. There are many nature reserves within the city limits. In addition, 6,000 years of history have left traces here. One of them is 50 km from the city center within the ancient urban center with castles and fortresses. It is the Old Dapeng Fortress (Dapeng Castle), built in 1394 during the reign of the southern Ming Dynasty, and the settlement served as a defensive location.

The most famous attractions are:

  • Chinese Folk Culture Villages – Chinese folk cultural village
  • Dameisha Promenade – Promenade Dameisha
  • Happy Valley Amusement Park
  • Minsk World
  • Safari Park / Nanshanu – Safari park
  • Splendid China
  • Windows of the World
  • Xianhu Lake Botanical Garden – Botanical Garden by Xinhu Lake
  • Xiaomeisha BeachResort / Yantianu – Xiaomeisha Beach
  • Zhongying Street – Zhongying Street

The city is one of the epicenters of the Chinese economy. The fact is that according to research, as many as 24 billionaires live in this city, so it is not uncommon to see rare cars and a seemingly rich person on the streets. The city is one of the most affordable when it comes to looking for a job for English language teachers. Everyone is trained in Europe with the same manners, so from the research so far, this city is always the first choice for people looking for a job in China.