Aleksa Ostojić, Stowe, Vermont


Godina putovanja: 2013
Iskustvo sa agencijom: Pozitivno
Zadovoljan sam radom agencije,sve pohvale !

Lokacija: Stowe,Vermont
Iskustvo sa nalaženjem dodatnog posla: Pozitivno
Lako sam pronašao dodatni posao. Već u drugoj nedelji su me pozvali da dodjem da radim,dobro sam se pokazao,radio sam u restoranu kao sushi chef.

Posao: Cook, Northern Lights Lodge
Iskustvo sa poslodavcem: Pozitivno
Broj sati nedeljno: 40 



Year of travel: 2013

Agency experience: Positive

I am satisfied with the work of the agency, all praise!

Location: Stowe, Vermont

Experience finding an extra job: Positive

I easily found an extra job. Already in the second week I was invited to come to work, I showed myself well, I worked in a restaurant as a sushi chef.

Business: Cook, Northern Lights Lodge

Employer experience: Positive

Number of hours per week: 40

The strongest impression on me was definitely left by New York, the city I literally fell in love with and from which I carry the strongest impressions and experiences. A city that, in my opinion, is the capital of the world and a place that you must not miss if you embark on an adventure like this.

In addition to the money I have earned, the people I have met, and the places I have visited, I carry with me from America the best experience of my life so far, and I look forward to going back and continuing where I left off.