Felipe, Mike’s Seafoods, Sea Isle City, New Jersey

Sea Isle City

Ekipa mala ali odabrana 😉

Predivno mesto na obali Južnog Nju Džerzija, nedaleko od Atlantik Sitija i Filadelfije. Lepo vreme, prijatni ljudi, smeštaj preko puta radnog mesta i relativno bogat noćni život. Oprez: ima tvorova u okolini 😀

Satnica:7.5$  Broj sati nedeljno:60 Opis poslodavca: Služenje mušterija, pomoć u kuhinji, čišćenje jastoga, brojanje školjki, primanje i pakovanje porudžbina itd. Devojke imaju priliku da rade kao baserke i dobijaju napojnice pored regularne plate od 7.5$ po satu.

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Sea Isle City

Team small but selected 😀

A beautiful place on the coast of South New Jersey, not far from Atlantic City and Philadelphia. Nice weather, nice people, accommodation across from the workplace and a relatively rich nightlife. Caution: there are ferrets in the vicinity 😀

Hourly rate: 7.5 $ Number of hours per week: 60 Employer description: Customer service, kitchen help, lobster cleaning, shell counting, receiving and packing orders, etc. The girls have the opportunity to work as bussers and receive tips in addition to their regular salary of $ 7.5 per hour.