Luka Rosić, Government Camp, Timberline lodge, Oregon

Timberline lodge

U agenciji su jako efektivni, uvek voljni da pomognu, iako sam bio i ostao jako zahtevan i dalje me iznenađuju svojim radom i mogućnostima koje mi pružaju. Marija je najbolja, preporučujem. 🙂

Timberline Lodge je jako malo mesto, ima mogućnosti ,ima posla za uporne i snalažljive.

10.25 + tips što i nije tako loše, overtime jako slabo, teško sklopiti dogovor sa menadžerom za fiksnu smenu. Manje tolerancije za internacionalne studente.

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Timberline lodge

They are very effective in the agency, always willing to help, even though I was and remain very demanding and they still surprise me with their work and the opportunities they provide me. Marija is the best, I recommend. 🙂

Timberline Lodge is a very small place, there are opportunities, there is work for the persistent and resourceful.

10.25 + tips, which is not so bad, overtime is very weak, it is difficult to make an agreement with the manager for a fixed shift. Less tolerance for international students.