Gino Battestin, Block Island, Rhode Island

Beograd-Rhode Island

Godina putovanja: 2015

Iskustvo sa agencijom: Pozitivno
U agenciji su ažurni i pružaju verodostojne informacije.

Lokacija: Block Island, Rhode Island
Iskustvo sa nalaženjem dodatnog posla: Pozitivno
Mirno ostrvo, sa veoma prijatnom okeanskom klimom, i nisam imao problema sa klimom iako imam astmu. Drugi posao vam može naći sponzorska agencija a možete i sami ako se raspitate u hotelima i restoranima.

Posao: Front Desk,1661 Inn
Iskustvo sa poslodavcem: Pozitivno
Satnica: $Broj sati nedeljno: 42
Opis poslodavca: Mnogo javljanja na telefon jer se rezervacije najviše prave putem telefonskog poziva, pa treba naučiti kako funkcioniše rezervacioni sistem. Poslepodnevna smena radi check in-ove, ali ponekad je potrebna i pomoc oko posluživanja vina koja ulaze u cenu aranžmana.

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Beograd-Rhode Island

Year of travel: 2015

Agency experience: Positive

They are up-to-date in the agency and provide credible information.

Location: Block Island, Rhode Island

Experience finding an extra job: Positive

A quiet island, with a very pleasant oceanic climate, and I had no climate problems even though I have asthma. Another job can be found by a sponsoring agency, or you can find one yourself if you inquire at hotels and restaurants.

Job: Front Desk, 1661 Inn

Employer experience: Positive

Hourly rate: $ 9 Number of hours per week: 42

Employer description: Many phone calls because reservations are mostly made by phone call, so you need to learn how the reservation system works. The afternoon shift is for check-ins, but sometimes help is needed to serve the wines that are included in the price of the arrangement.