Nataša Ćirković, Block Island, Rhode Island

Beograd-Rhode Island

Godina putovanja: 2014
Iskustvo sa agencijom: Pozitivno
Sve je proteklo kako treba. I organizacija kao i bezbroj saveta koje smo brzo usvojili. Ceo program je protekao besprekorno. Hvala puno na divnom iskustvu. Ostanite najbolji.

Lokacija: Block Island, Rhode Island
Iskustvo sa nalaženjem dodatnog posla: Pozitivno
Naravno da postoji mogućnost za nalaženje drugog posla pa čak i trećeg. Treba biti uporan i isplati se.

Posao: The Surf Hotel
Iskustvo sa poslodavcem: Pozitivno

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Beograd-Rhode Island

Year of travel: 2014

Agency experience: Positive

Everything went well. And the organization as well as the countless tips we quickly adopted. The whole program went flawlessly. Thank you so much for a wonderful experience. Stay the best.

Location: Block Island, Rhode Island

Experience finding an extra job: Positive

Of course there is the possibility of finding another job and even a third. You have to be persistent and it pays off.

Business: The Surf Hotel

Employer experience: Positive